Team Bonaire Information (Last Updated 5/27/2007)
Click for Official Team Bonaire Website
Team Bonaire Video

Back row left to right: Mandi Myers, Janet Yates, Smedly Yates, Amy Luke, Mike Grimes, Stephanie Searle, Venette Stack, Larry
Stack Jordan Wragg. Kneeling: Jeff Myers, Laura Stack, Dan Buker, Jonathan Smith, Andy Stack, Scott Searle, Ryan Gregory. Not
picutred: Emily and Ryan Joki, Emily Stack, Michelle and Kevin Scheirling, and Steve Weaver.

To Do before next meeting:
1. Prepare to give personal testimony (4 minutes maximum)
2. Know names of IBC youth (pray for them)
3. Send out support letters (Team Bonaire Support Letter)

1. Glorify God by assisting International Bible Church teach Vacation Bible School on July 16-20, 2007 and July 23-27, 2007.
2. Conduct youth outreach through sports, games, and evening worship program at IBC.
3. Develop and depen the relationship with Toto and Felecia Baran (CBC Missionaries) and International Bible Church
4. Identify and develop new missionaries in CBC youth.

Host: Toto and Felicia Baran and International Bible Church, Kralendijk, Bonaire

Dates: July 14-28, 2007

Team Leader: Larry Stack ( 615-221-4147
Team Leader: Jeff Myers ( 615-414-8083
VBS Director: Amy Luke/Felecia Baran
Culinary Director: Venette Stack
Evening Progams: Mike Grimes/Toto Baran
Morning Devotions/Evening Prayer: Ryan Joki
Recreation Director: Smedly Yates
Web Site Development: Emily Stack/Ryan Gregory
Videographer: Steve Weaver and Jordan Wragg

Passports are required for travel to and from Bonaire. If you do not have a valid passport start the application process today! The following web site will allow you to download the forms and begin the steps for obtaining a passport.

Immunizations – Hepatitis A, Hepatits B, Typhoid, Tetanus-diptheria, measels are recommended. Yellow fever has been isolated in Trinidad and Tobago. Yellow fever is not required to enter the country at this time. Malaria is not found on Bonaire. Go to for details.

Next Team Meeting - Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 7PM, 2nd Floor Equipping Center.

Team Bonaire Support Letter

Useful web sites

Bonaire Slideshow